
Certified Translations

I have been aut­ho­ri­zed by the State Court of Stuttgart to pro­vide cer­ti­fied trans­la­ti­ons of cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, deeds, and other legal docu­ments in Ger­man and English.

Please send me the document in question via post, fax or scan and e-mail for a free quote.

You can pay the quo­ted amount by bank trans­fer or Pay­Pal. If you would like to collect the trans­la­ted documents in per­son, there is also the option of pay­ing cash. Please note that pri­vate cust­o­mers will be requi­red to pay in advance for the trans­la­tion work.

After trans­la­ting the docu­ment, I will cer­tify the accu­racy and com­ple­ten­ess of the trans­la­tion by stamp, signa­ture and the appro­priate clause. The trans­la­tion is then inse­pa­ra­bly atta­ched to a copy of the source text and I will indi­cate whe­ther I recei­ved the source text as an ori­gi­nal, a certified copy or a simple copy (in some cases the ori­gi­nal docu­ment is requi­red. Please check with the rele­vant aut­ho­ri­ties as to what is requi­red. Gene­rally, a copy will be sufficient).

Professional Translations English ⇔ German

My spe­cia­list areas are literature, linguistics and law.

I trans­late from English into my mother tongue Ger­man, but also from German to English, depending on the subject area.